Review of airport landing fees

infrastructure pricing nz

Evaluation for Freightways and New Zealand Post of aeronautical pricing proposals by Christchurch International Airport (2022) and Palmerston North Airport (2019) Freightways and New Zealand Post engaged Link Economics to review Christchurch International Airport Limited (CIAL’s) aeronautical pricing proposal for the five-year period commencing July 2022. Link Economics reviewed and provided feedback on CIAL’s five-year…

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Regulatory support for ActewAGL

economic regulation nz

Support to Canberra’s multi-utility provider ActewAGL on electricity, gas and water regulatory issues, 2019-20 Link Economics provided support in preparing EvoEnergy’s Gas Network Plan for 2021-26, which included consumer engagement, determining the total revenue requirement, setting prices, analysing consumer bill impacts, and demand forecasting. Link Economics also assisted with the preparation of EvoEnergy’s electricity network…

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Review of electricity distribution price-setting compliance statements

economic regulation nz

Annual Price-Quality Path Price-Setting Compliance Statements Review, 2022-2023 Non-exempt electricity distribution businesses (EDBs) in New Zealand must ensure that they comply with revenue caps set by the Commerce Commission. Since 2020, these EDBs have been required to publish price-setting compliance statements at the beginning of each pricing year. Link Economics has peer reviewed the price-setting…

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Fibre access regulation in New Zealand

economic regulation nz

Expert report for Trustpower on the Commerce Commission’s Emerging Views on Fibre Regulation, 2019 The Commerce Commission was considering the framework to apply when determining the input methodologies (IMs) for providers of regulated fibre access services. Trustpower engaged Link Economics to prepare an expert report that was submitted to the Commission. Our report discussed economic…

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International comparisons of wholesale broadband prices

infrastructure pricing nz

Preparation for Telstra Corporation of international comparisons of wholesale broadband prices, Australia, 2019-2022 In 2019, Telstra engaged Link Economics to prepare an international comparison of wholesale broadband prices, including Fibre-to the-Premise (FTTP), Fibre-to-the-Node (FTTN) and Hybrid Fibre Coax (HFC). In preparing the study, Link Economics researched regulatory approaches, wholesale product specifications, and the structures and…

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Mobile termination regulation in New Zealand

economic regulation nz

Provision of expert economic analysis for Two Degrees Mobile on Mobile Termination Rate (MTR) regulation, 2009-2011 Emma Ihaia was retained by Two Degrees as an economics expert to provide evidence to the Commerce Commission on a range of regulatory issues that the company faced when launching its services in New Zealand, including mobile termination rates,…

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Pricing methodology regulatory disclosures for electricity networks

economic regulation nz

Preparing electricity distribution pricing methodology and pricing roadmap regulatory disclosures, 2019 Electricity networks in New Zealand must disclose a pricing methodology document each year that explains how they set their prices. The pricing methodology describes how the network determines its revenue requirement, how it allocates the revenue to customer load groups, the pricing structure that…

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Implementation support for telecommunications regulation in Bermuda

economic regulation nz

Support to the Bermuda Department of Telecommunications and the Bermuda Regulatory Authority, 2010-13  In conjunction with Gabel Communications, Link Economics provided support to the Bermuda Department of Telecommunications and the Bermuda Regulatory Authority in implementing a telecommunications regulatory regime. The work on this project included market definition analysis, identification of electronic communications markets most likely to…

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